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InfraBuild’s Response to COVID 19: An Update from our CEO July 2021
20 July 2021

I wanted to provide you with an update on our response to COVID-19. At InfraBuild, we fully appreciate this continues to be a challenging time for many people.
Please let me reassure you that our business, which is essential to manufacturing/infrastructure/construction supply chains in Australia, remains open. All our facilities are operating as normal, while ensuring we follow all government guidelines and keep our people safe.
Like all companies, we continue to closely monitor this ongoing challenge. The safety of our people, our customers, and suppliers is our priority. In the Greater Sydney and metropolitan Melbourne areas, we have implemented the highest levels of controls and measures outlined in our COVIDSafe plans. In addition to these plans, developed and maintained for each of our 160 locations across Australia, we:
- continue to be guided by a dedicated internal COVID-19 Advisory Group, relying on advice from the Australian Government, State and Territory Departments of Health, the World Health Organisation, and information provided by our Health and Safety teams.
- continue to monitor and update our position in line with global and domestic health authority and government advice.
- work to minimise supply chain risks through our business continuity planning.
- have implemented protocols to limit and minimise social interactions, including use of remote working, digital and virtual technologies, and reinforced hygiene and deep-clean practices known to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
- encourage our employees to register and get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Regular updates are being provided to our workforce and leaders across our business to ensure they are well aware of these measures and the latest health and safety advice.
We all have a role to play in responding and limiting the spread of this more virulent strain of COVID-19. By working together, calmly and with purpose, we are committed to delivering a quality customer service, safely and responsibly, and continuing our critical role in ensuring the stability of manufacturing and construction supply chains nationwide.
I know I speak on behalf of the whole team when I say we feel for everyone who is in lockdown or experiencing the effects of this latest challenge, but we will get through this, safely, together.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your InfraBuild representative.
Keep safe,
Vik Bansal
CEO & Managing Director
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