A complete solution developed by InfraBuild Construction Solutions has been key to the efficient construction of Residential Towers at Hurstville in Sydney’s South. The inclusion of prefabricated steel reinforced floor columns and BAMTEC® from InfraBuild Construction Solutions has added to the speed and cost-effectiveness of construction as well as simplifying administration and site management.

InfraBuild Construction Solutions was approached by Kayrouz Constructions to develop a faster alternative to manually steelfixing the columns, which was slowing construction schedules. Two configurations of prefabricated columns were designed to be used in each level, each prefabricated column is made to precise dimensions from the engineering plans and spot welded in the InfraBuild Construction Solutions factory. The columns are delivered to site as complete units, this enabled the columns needed for an entire floor to be craned into position and installed within a day. The central columns terminate at the soffit to allow BAMTEC® carpets to be rolled out over the top in four layers. Once in place, these central columns are spliced. The perimeter columns have rebar that extends through the slab by up to one metre to enable the columns on the floor above. Once propped, they can be placed over the top of the extended 500PLUS® REBAR.
“Using Prefab Columns cut installation time by 60 per cent and reduced labour needs from 12 to 4 men. The quality is excellent and the service we receive is superb”
Donny Kayrouz, Director Kayrouz Constructions
52 PREFAB support columns per deck were erected, reducing steel fixing time by up to 60 per cent. As the column were delivered to site, this enabled an entire floor to be craned directly in place in a single day. The use of the prefabricated columns and BAMTEC® carpets saved time and labour on this project, while also reducing site congestion.
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