InfraBuild Construction Solutions prefabricated parapet cages were used extensively in the design and construction of the cast in-situ barriers on the Hunter Expressway’s dual carriageway’s five viaduct bridges. By adopting this solution, Thiess effectively mitigated the risk of time blowouts and onsite safety issues on the $1.7 billion, 40-kilometre roads project.
Being prefabricated offsite with 20 mm reinforcing bars, welded and bent into shape then delivered complete with lifting points. The 6 metre cage sections were easily picked up by a forklift and placed into position on site. This process took about 10 minutes for each section and made the parapet construction on the five Hunter Expressway viaduct bridges easier for several reasons, including eliminating the need to employ steelfixers on site. Rather than have traditional steelfixers operate at risk, close to the 40 metres above ground bridge ledge, Theiss was able to place the prefabricated products with only two, fully harnessed workers.
Beyond essential safety benefits, the prefabricated parapet cages also benefited the project’s construction speed. The prefabricated elements ensure an increased level of accuracy eliminating time traditionally spent straightening and levelling, saving an hour every day for the construction program.
By developing a new way to prefabricate parapet for bridge construction, InfraBuild Construction Solutions has led the way in modern bridge building with faster construction, reduced site labour costs and improved safety for Theiss.
“This is definitely something that I would recommend for other construction sites because I witnessed first hand just how much time it saves and the safety benefits it brings.”
Danielle Whiting – Civil Engineer, Thiess
Images courtesy of Roads and Maritime New South Wales
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