Home / Our Stories / Laverton Steel Mill share success after completing Mental Health First Aid program

Laverton Steel Mill share success after completing Mental Health First Aid program

25 January 2024

Last week, the senior management team at InfraBuild Laverton Steel Mill successfully completed the Mental Health First Aid training program.

As part of our commitment to mental health, the program helps participants learn new skills and gain knowledge in leading the way towards removing stigma around mental health – not only within our business but also with our families and community.

Learning how to recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies related to mental health, the two day course educated staff on the different types of mental illness and steps to take when helping someone who is experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.

Speaking about the programme at Laverton Steel Mill, InfraBuild’s Hercules Van der Merwe said:

“It is easy to talk about what can be done to positively impact the mental health space in the workplace, it is much more difficult to step onto that field and get skin in that game.

“This course is the first essential step in the process to get onto that field”

The skills and knowledge gained through this program are invaluable and instil the confidence needed to apply these skills in the workplace and contribute to the success of our teams.

If you or someone you know is suffering from poor mental health, here are some services that are here to help:

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