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Virtual reality brings projects to life

26 February 2020

Exciting advances in virtual reality software and hardware allows projects to be designed and built in the digital realm before they commence.  

Virtual reality (VR) has come a long way since the term was coined in the 1980s. But only now are we starting to understand the full potential of VR to revolutionise the construction sector. 

Infrabuild is harnessing cutting-edge VR software and hardware technologies to bring major construction and infrastructure projects to life, enabling customers to explore often complex and intricate design and engineering solutions.

Andrew Dibley, InfraBuild Head of Digital and Customer Experience, said: “The high-definition, 360-degree virtual renders allow us to visualise projects still at the planning stage and reveal challenges, clash points and costly design issues on projects well before construction begins in the comfort and safety of an office. 

“By designing a 3D model and viewing in VR on specialised hardware and software, owners, architects, builders and other construction professionals can troubleshoot problems well in advance of project start.”   

Andrew Dibley, InfraBuild Head of Digital and Customer Experience

“Infrabuild is now also using VR technology at trade shows to demonstrate how InfraBuild products are used in nation-building projects, with the next event being Build2020 in Sydney on 19–20 March at the ICC Darling Harbour,” Andrew said.

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