Green Star rating tools
Green Star rating tools are a system of evaluating the environmental design and construction of buildings and communities, based upon the materials and processes used. The Green Star rating system was developed by the Green Building Council of Australia and has become the most widely recognised green building rating system in Australia. This system represents a set standard of measurement for the built environment and promotes the benefits of sustainable planning, design and construction. Through Green Star, Australia’s built environment is being transformed to ensure a more environmentally sustainable future.
How does the system work?
Green Star works on a system of collecting credit points based on materials and processes used throughout the design, production and construction stages. From these credit points, a Green Star rating is derived which ranges from 4 Star (Best practice) to a 6 Star rating (World leader status).
How does steel contribute to obtaining points?
The Green Star system encourages environmentally responsible steel design, fabrication and production methods that result in more sustainable use of both structural and reinforcing steel as a building material.
Steel is a major component in the Green Star system as it may contribute to gaining credit points for the building which will boost the overall star rating. To qualify for steel credit under the Green Star system, steel products must come from steel manufacturers with an environmental management system to ISO 14001 and also be an accredited member of the worldsteel Climate Action programme.
What’s your benefit?
InfraBuild’s structural steel and reinforcing steel products all conform to the requirements of the Green Star system as InfraBuild has both ISO 14001 Certification and membership of the worldsteel Climate Action programme. Therefore, the use of InfraBuild products in your project can assist you to achieve Green Star credits.
InfraBuild manufactures and supplies structural steels that can be designed into projects and assist in gaining the one (1) Green Star point through the use of high strength structural steel.
InfraBuild also has prefabrication facilities for reinforcing steel that can assist projects to achieve the one (1) Green Star point available for the reduction in mass of reinforcing steels compared to a reference case.
InfraBuild’s reinforcing steel is manufactured using the Polymer Injection Technique (PIT) process that is recognised by the GBCA Green Star system and can deliver one (1) Green Star point by using a minimum proportion of InfraBuild manufactured reinforcing steel.
InfraBuild also has a suite of product-specific Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) are recognised by the Green Building Council of Australia and can assist with delivering more sustainable outcomes for your projects. View the InfraBuild EPDs here.
For more information on how InfraBuild structural and reinforcing steel can help your project get Green Star points, click here
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